Moneluv Band plays California dance alternative rock covers and original music. Retro vibe with cool synth-bass style undertones and hypnotic vocals. If you like CCR, Tom Petty, The Rolling Stones, or John Mellencamp, you will LOVE MoneLuv Band!
Special thanks to Shawn Baugher Videographer 2021.
Mitch Karno, Ukulele, Keyboard, Vocals.
Scott Topper, Guitar, Vocals.
Michael Robinson, Bass.
Mark Delgadillo, Drums.
OTC_Homepage_with_tranisions.mp4 from HypeCats Video & Ameravant on Vimeo.

Processed with VSCO with inf preset
Event Cost: $Free
Registration: https://otcoffeeshop.com/
Location: Old Town Coffee Goleta, CA
Address: 5877 Hollister Ave. Goleta, CA, CA 93117